This practicum has been filled with ups and downs. A very cliché thing to say, but there were happy tears, sad tears, angry tears, doubt if I was meant to do this, proud moments… lots of proud moments and lots of smiles. After taking many…many…many deep breathes I was able to reflect. Reflecting was my super power in EDUC 491. I reflected daily with my CT and when he left I had the prep room to my self and reflected the entire time I was planning and even when I went home my brain did not calm itself; I was always thinking, always reflecting. I am so incredibly thankful for the opportunity to have been part of a department. A department where they are constantly fostering a community of collegiality and where I could ask questions, get feedback and they could ask me for resources that I had spent hours putting together. I took my practicum core competency of collaboration and teamwork and made it so I would be able to live it and experience it daily outside of the classroom as well. I leaned on my colleagues when I felt like I couldn’t do it or when I thought I was a bad teacher, they helped and shared resources and talked about classroom management techniques I could use. Stepping into new content in EDUC 491 made me realize that I am a forever learner of the content I teach that is outside of my degree. However, as I research the topics I am going over with a class I am able to answer questions that come up and also be able to share facts about the topics to students that may be interesting and embellish their learning, this makes me feel good. There was a shift in this practicum, I was extremely sad to leave but unlike EDUC 490 I felt ready. I felt ready to step into the shoes of a teacher and leave behind the role of teacher candidate. This program has given me that confidence through the moments of holistic teaching, compassionate teaching and empathy. My coaching teacher has built on that confidence with a gentle teaching style and extremely supportive attitude. It was a team effort but I am a grateful person to have gone through the past 16 months with a strong group, stronger leaders and come out feeling strong as an individual. Next up, a contract in February 2022 that consists of English 9 , CLC 11 (where I can run free with a curriculum I am intrigued by) and Peer tutoring (Where I get to help students find a leadership role within the school community). For now though, a food class at DP Todd that will thoroughly enjoy the tri-coloured pinwheels I have planned for the last week of school before Christmas break!

I am forever learning to unlearn and re learn and I am so excited.
