As a final project for Glen’s class we had three options on projects that we could complete and I chose a timeline based project because of my passion for story and story telling. This is a project that I can get students to do through a heritage based lens or a timeline of the important moments in their life. It can work as an identity search project for English where they examine what events built them and made them who they are today or inquiry project into where their family came from and how that has an effect on them.

I started with what shaped my childhood years and who played an important part in that and big events that helped me become who I am today such as moving out on my own (independence sticker), getting a dog (teaching me responsibility), university, two jobs that shaped my compassion for animals and the last column are the goals I have going forward.

This type of project is something students can get excited about and gives them the chance to share information about themselves that they choose too, especially if it involves family lineage and big triumphs they are proud of.